The DuoContainers are platforms that can carry two container modules such as Hytrans mobile pump units (HydroSub 150 or HydroSub 250), HoseBoxes, FloodModules or PowerFoams. The platforms offer maximum flexibility for risk management and emergency response.
The DuoContainers (DC) are mounted on an A-frame with hook arm facility and is available in two standard sizes, DC5500 and DC6500. Both can be equipped with storage facilities for Hardware (PWSE) in either a low cabinet or high cabinet.
The advantage of the DC6500 in regards to the DC5500 is the extra cabinets for storage. In the high cabinet version the HRU is placed inside the upper cabinet, this is the HRU 200 Power Tilt. The HRU 300 Power Tilt or Demountable version can only be placed on the low cabinet version.
Hoses can be stored and deployed on the DuoContainer platform using Hose Boxes. The aluminium door of the HoseBox can be used as a step when opened. During hose laying the opening mechanism is mechanically locked. With open doors the hose can be deployed with high speed (up to 40 km/h).
Stainless steel protection plates mounted on strategic positions prevent damage of the paint during hose recovery. Due to the special construction and the use of light weight materials such as aluminium floors and roof panels, the DuoContainer is easy to handle. The patented HoseBlocs in the HoseBox prevent the hose from shifting during container handling.